<aside> 📌 Herald helps you organize and quantify customer feedback to make better products. 🙌


<aside> 🔑 This question is part of Herald: Frequently Asked Questions. Have a question that's not answered there? Our bad, give us a chance to answer your question: we're only an e-mail away: [email protected].


Note, this guide is ONLY for customers who use Vercel.

Currently, Vercel has a technical limitation: each domain (e.g, yourdomain.com) can associated with only one Vercel account. As Herald uses Vercel to host Public Portals, the following workaround is necessary for customers already using Vercel:

  1. Download the Vercel CLI — You'll need this to create a new project. Then login from the command line with the vercel login command.

  2. Create a new folder somewhere locally called "herald-portal."

  3. In that folder, create a file called vercel.json with the following contents:

          "source": "/(.*)",
          "destination": "<https://yourworkspace.herald.fyi/$1>"

    Note: Make sure to changeyourworkspace.herald.fyi to the right values above.

  4. Then, from within the folder, run vercel deploy. It will guide you through creating a new project on Vercel and will deploy it.

  5. Go into the Vercel UI, open the project you just created, and in Settings > Domains, add the desired subdomain for your Herald portal (example: feedback.yourdomain.com).

And that's it! Let us know if you have any trouble setting this up.